Women of Strength
Women of Strength–May we admire them, May we raise them, May we encourage them, May we strive to be them.

Women of Strength–May we admire them, May we raise them, May we encourage them, May we strive to be them.
So my son has been asking all week about Black Friday. “What is it? Can we go? What do they do?” First let me say that I give props to all of you faithful Black Friday shoppers who have sought out sales, waited in lines, and dodged crowds. I am giving you an air fist pump right now from my recliner as I sit in my fleece leopard pajamas.
Second, I must confess to the masses, that we are NOT Black Friday store shoppers. We had a lazy morning with our crew and decided to head out to eat brunch about 10:30 a.m. We ate brunch at our favorite Mexican food restaurant, because queso, mimosas, and cheese enchiladas with eggs were calling our name. My Ladybug likes public restrooms and has a bladder the size of a pea, so two trips to the bathroom in less than 45 minutes requires a mimosa. We decided to drive around and check out the crowds and the Engineer and I agreed that we would not go to any big department stores, but thought we might take our chance walking through Lowe’s. We walked in to a kid’s table with hot chocolate, cookies, coloring sheets, and Santa pictures. Not too shabby. We made our way into the garden area to look for a new Christmas tree. BIG mistake. I had the baby in the cart, the middle riding holding on to the front, and the big riding holding onto the side. The problem with kids in crowded areas is that they make navigating that much more difficult. Workers were unpacking new Christmas items and several people were searching with ads in hand trying to find items. It took FOREVER to walk down one aisle because people kept walking in front and stopping right in front of the cart, which is like an invitation for kids to jump off and run amuck. We walked out empty handed, aside from the kids, and vowed that we are not Black Friday people.
So instead of Friday Finds in store, I am bringing you some Friday Finds via Amazon’s Black Friday deals. The perfect way to shop in my world.
I hope these Friday Finds gave you some gift ideas that maybe you would not have thought of! I appreciate y’all supporting me and my family by trusting my recommendations and clickin’ through my affiliate links! Happy Shopping and hope ya’ll had a great Black Friday!
Our church has a pumpkin patch as a youth missions fundraiser. I took our littles to take obligatory pumpkin patch pictures one morning at the beginning of October, right after the pumpkins had arrived. There is something about running through a pumpkin patch that brings excitement! I promised them one pumpkin each, plus a carving pumpkin, if they would smile for a quick picture. $100 later, we had a car load of pumpkins that I was rationalizing to my husband. The truth is that I LOVE fall colors and florals, pumpkins, and pumpkin spice anything, so as they were loading down our wagon with 900 pumpkins, I wasn’t the least bit upset. Then I started thinking that our little sweetheart would be turning one, and decided the Little Pumpkin 1st Birthday was the perfect excuse for all of those pumpkins!
Our Little Pumpkin turned ONE last week. I think the more children you have, the faster life seems to speed by. It literally seems like the last year was a blink! To celebrate our sweet girl, I made a list of people to invite, decorations and ideas, food, treats etc. I had a gorgeous plan in my head and the list was LONG. Ambition is my middle name when it comes to hosting events. I am the type of person that makes a To-Do list prior to hosting events that has everything that I dreamed of doing to our home over the last year, and I try to cram it in all before the guests arrive. That project that I haven’t been able to complete in 6 months, today is the day! Motivation for all the things is instantly sparked. I find myself running like a mad woman, and then the morning of, it’s like whatever isn’t done, you just sweep under the rug, throw up your hands, and say “This will have to do!”. My sister and I were joking that this was our rationale for party planning–whatever doesn’t get done, throw it in a box and pretend you never planned it..Ha! We both do the exact same thing.
The morning of the party day, I was running around crazy and my sister magically showed up on my doorstep with a balloon arch, presents, and willing hands. Her crew had gotten sick and couldn’t attend the party, but she drove the hour trip to help me and immediately started holding babies, washing dishes, and entertaining my crazy ideas. Sisters are amazing..SO thankful for mine!
The party went off without a hitch. I didn’t get everything finished on my list and it was completely OKAY. No reason to stress over plans that others never knew you planned to execute. My step-mom, mom, and several sweet friends made quick work setting out food, setting up a popcorn bar for guests, and setting the last minute decorations on the high chair. I didn’t have the cute food name cards that I had planned to carefully place next to each item, one set of cupcakes didn’t get iced, an no one sat in the dining room that I had recently painted and decorated, but the party was everything that I wanted it to be. You see, it’s not about the things, it’s about the PEOPLE and How the People Feel in Your Home. People were visiting and enjoying the gorgeous weather outside on the patio and several people commented on how great the food was. (The engineer and I love to cook, so this was music to our ears.) After a week of reflecting on that day, I look back and realize that though I didn’t have everything “perfect” before all the guests arrived, we had the perfect party because our guests felt welcome enough in our home to offer to extend a hand, relax, and enjoy themselves while we all celebrated our girl together!
I decorated the tables with pumpkins and florals that I carefully set on top of burlap table runners. I filled jelly jars with flowers and had mini white pumpkins on the kids table. *Pro-tip for a kids table-run colored wrapping paper down the table as a table cloth. You can match your theme easily and just toss after the party is over.
I ordered various fall colored balloons and sent them via Amazon Prime to my sister’s house so that she could make the balloon arch to hang over the cake display. I found a Little Pumpkin Birthday photo backdrop on Amazon, as well, that I used behind the cake display. Normally, I bake all of our family cakes and cupcakes, but this year, I ordered a cake from a friend and baked some allergy-friendly cupcakes to pair with it.
*This post does contain affiliate links.
Boxwood squares were used under each table centerpiece. These faux boxwood squares are Amazing! You can connect them together to make any size that your heart desires. I have even used them for a full wall out on our patio.
Last week, we went on a little trip for a few days. My oldest kiddo likes to print super hero coloring pages to color and draw from. We’re sitting in the hotel room and he asks me to order a printer from Amazon so I could print him a pictures. Ha! I guess it’s safe to say that Amazon Prime is a a staple for this Mama. Can I get an Amen from my Mama Tribe!
If you like deals or you are a Mama that survives on Amazon Prime, the Prime Day deals are happening now! I know, I know… there are some frustrated friends trying to find deals amongst the Amazon pups that are appearing on the screen. First, I am going to give you a quick hint. If you see the cute dogs of Amazon pop up instead of the deal of your choice, make your way back up to the home page and search by department. That should sidestep the issue.
(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links)
Second, I thought I would make it easy and share some of my favorites with links.
Insta Pot Deal 6 qt for $58.99!
I am an Insta Pot lover. When you are looking for a quick and easy way to provide meals for your family, this is the way to go. I don’t think far enough ahead to used my crockpot on the regular, but I have a love affair with my Insta Pot. From the best hard boiled eggs to risotto, I am sold for life.
Under Armor Boy’s Storm Scrimmage Backpack for $26.99!
For all the boys in your life, this is a great buy. Whether you snag one of these for back to school shopping or to mark this off the Christmas wish list for your favorite little man, this is sure to be a winner.
Under Armor Girls’ Favorite Backpack for $26.99!
We can’t leave out our little lady loves. This is a comparable buy for the girls in your life that like to share their sporty side.
Kids Kindle Fire 7 Tablet with Case $69.99!
This is a great deal for the little in your life. I ordered these for our kiddos last fall when I was doing our Christmas shopping. I love that you can choose age appropriate filters, set time limits, and activity order preferences. This is a great way to incorporate technology education.
Amazon Echo deal for $69.99!
This Amazon speaker with Alexa is a nice addition if you are in the market for a smart speaker. The kids love telling Alexa what music they’d like to play.
Kinetic Sand Folding Sandbox $20.99!
My kiddos love kinetic sand. This folding sandbox keeps the kids entertained and the sand contained.
Columbia Women’s Fast Trek II Full-Zip Fleece Jacket $22.99!
This is an awesome buy for yourself or a gift for the ladies in your life. Comes in various colors and sizes.
Muchkin Miracle 360 cup $6.39!
These are some of my favorite no spill cups. They are great for your little milk drinkers or cup throwers.
There’s more to come but hope this piques your interest and gets you started. Happy Shopping!
Children and quiet generally don’t mix. If one child is quiet, that model child might actually be reading or coloring. If three children are collectively quiet, the chances of calling in the fire department or national guard are favorable.
Masters Sunday was upon us. My husband is an avid golfer and was enamored with the competitive play of Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed. My brother-in-law and sister were visiting and we were all glued to the television in the living room. I was unknowingly coming down with strep and felt like I had swallowed a soup made of tacks and cotton balls. The children were playing in our mudroom, as it was too cold to play outside. They had imaginatively decided to operate a zoo and had enlisted themselves as lion tamers. We have two golden retrievers, so this makes perfect sense. They were playing well with one another, the Masters was calling, and I felt like death was on my doorstep, so we let them be. Then, the quiet set in. Cue the parents.
We walked in to see that our mudroom zoo was now filled with two muddy lions and three lion tamers who had tattooed themselves with our personalized self-inking monogram and address stamps. Ladybug had our monogram stamp on her forehead and she and Superman both had our address stamped on their arms, stomach, and lower back. I guess that’s either one way to teach them our address or an easy way to Return to Sender. To top it all off, Monday was class picture day. (As you are laughing, just go ahead and say “Bless Her Heart”.)
After some time spent scrubbing with makeup removing wipes and baby soap, baby oil seemed to be the winning magic eraser. This event certainly made Monday morning interesting, however school pictures went off without a hitch and luckily you could barely see the remaining shadow of ink on their arms and foreheads.
Kids these days! I don’t know where they get it?! I mean, I only left crayons to melt on the back seat of my grandparent’s cadillac… twice.
Now, of course, we laugh about the situation, but it definitely wasn’t funny at the time.
Even in the messiest of moments, children can be our greatest teachers.
1) Imagination-Embrace a chance to live out the stories constructed in the minds of children. Imagination and creativity go hand in hand. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the matters of adulthood, that we don’t leave room for innocence, imagination, and creativity in our own lives.
2) Mistakes Fade-The residue of mistakes fade. In the moment, they seem grandiose and burdensome, but then grace intercedes. Grace; free, unmerited favor. We receive boundless grace from God, and through his grace, we learn to give and receive it.
3) Make Your Mark-In this life we are given the opportunity to cultivate the talents that have been bestowed upon us in order to leave our mark on the world. Fame and fortune are fleeting. It is the imprints of kindness, diligence, trustworthiness, loyalty, and the extension of friendship and grace that enable you to etch and intertwine your story with others.
Leave the self-inking stamps in the drawer and seek opportunities to make an imprint on the lives of others.
How will you make your mark this week?
Happy Friday!
Friday Favorites is a way for me to share my favorite gifts, decorating ideas, etc. With Mother’s Day around the corner, I thought I would share a few of my favorites that you can order directly from Amazon that are $25 or less.
*Note this post does contain affiliate links.
Mudpie has a simple initial bar necklace that is great for everyday wear. My mom actually bought this for my sister and I, and I have loved wearing it. It’s a such a sweet personalized gift that is very on trend right now.
Lollia in Love Shea Butter has been one of my favorite hand lotions for a while. A sweet friend brought it to me after I brought our son home from the hospital, and it has become one of my favorite things to give as a gift.
Joanna Gaines just released her cookbook, Magnolia Table, this week. I am slightly obsessed with everything that she creates, so this cookbook is on my wishlist!
I love a stemless wine tumbler! These come in fun, bright colors and are are perfect for dinner outside, while you enjoy the beautiful weather. This is a great gift that you can use to apply vinyl personalization, as well.
Make it a great day!